Missouri State University-West Plains provides the following information related to educational programs that have been designed to meet state educational requirements for licensure or certification. The Information provided on this page indicate whether the educational program satisfy the educational requirements for professional licensure and certification in the states listed, if known. This information is strictly limited to Missouri State University-West Plains’ determination of whether the following educational programs, if successfully completed, would be sufficient to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification requirements in a particular State. Missouri State University-West Plains cannot provide verification of an individual’s ability to meet licensure or certification requirements unrelated to its educational programming.
This information does not provide any guarantee that any particular state licensure or certification entity will approve or deny an individual application for licensure. Enrolled students and prospective students are strongly encouraged to contact Academic Affairs and the State’s licensure entity for any State they may seek licensure or certification.
Missouri State University-West Plains has determined that the chosen degree program, if successfully completed, is sufficient to meet the education requirements for licensure and certification in the following states:
Missouri State University-West Plains has determined that the chosen degree program, if successfully completed, is NOT SUFFICIENT to meet the education requirements for licensure and certification in the following states.